Joining Us

HR Policy

Basic Salary Chambers basic salary in calculated on the basis of different rank and grades within the same rank of the employees.
Provident FundSince 2011 Chamber maintains provident fund policy for its employees where only the employer contributes.
Medical/Travel AllowanceSince 2013 Chamber maintains policy for Medical/Travel Allowance. On submission of genuine voucher receipts, all permanent employees are entitled to get payment for personal Travel and Medical Expenses.
Annual/ Festival BonusSince inception, every year Chambers provide one guaranteed yearly bonus calculated on the basis of the salary of each employee. One discretionary festival bonus is often paid.
Performance BonusPerformance bonuses are provided on discretionary basis to individual employee based on performance.
Annual Leave Since 2012 Chambers consistently maintain paid annual leave policy.
Sick Leave Since 2013 sick leave are allowed on submission of valid medical report.
Working Hours8 hours working policy from 9am to 7pm including breaks strictly maintained for long by Chambers to encourage punctuality & discipline, which is in compliant with Labour Law.
Profit Participation Fund(PPF)The Chamber has recently introduced PPF.
Performance Awardthe Chamber recognizes its good performer on monthly basis with/without performance bonus in monthly HR Meeting.
Personal Legal IssuesThe Chambers has a consistent policy of taking care of genuine legal issues of colleagues and close family members on cost basis only.

HR Events

Ushering the New Year with our Annual Day at Rahman’s Chambers with our dear colleagues and loved ones. This year the Firm organized a day-long event on the 1st of February 2025 at the Airforce Base Camp at Agargaon, Dhaka followed by a Cricket competition, raffle draw, and an award ceremony in recognition of excellence in performance; Best Individual and Best Team.

EU5A9085 (3)

Mrs. Shahinoor Alam 

Senior Associate & Deputy Head, Dispute Resolution Department


EU5A9076 (3)

Mr. Abdur Rahman Junaid  

 Senior Associate & Head, IP & IT Department

Ms. Syeda Anika Tabassum 

 Associate & Member, Dispute Resolution Department

Mr. Habibul Bashar Sifat

Junior Associate, Member, Corporate Department

Mr. Zisan Khan

Junior Manager & Paralegal, District Court



HR Events

Ushering the New Year with our Annual Day at Rahman’s Chambers with our dear colleagues and loved ones. This year the Firm organized a day Long event on the 23rd day of December 2022 at Oboshor Resort, Tista Barrage, Dalia, Nilphamari followed by a Cricket competition, raffle draw, and an award ceremony in recognition of excellence in performance; Best Individual and Best Team.

Mr. Sohel award 23

Mr. Salah Uddin Reza Sohel

Senior Associate, Deputy Head, Corporate Department

ADR, Land & Tribunal Team

Chittagong award 23

Ms. Tanzina Sharmee

Senior Associate & Deputy Head, Shipping Department

Mr. Md. Tawhidul Hassan

Associate [Chattogram Exec]

Mr. Abdullah Al Borhan

Junior manager

HR Events

Ushering the New Year with our Annual Day at Rahman’s Chambers with our dear colleagues and loved ones. This year the Firm organized a day Long event on the 29th day of February 2020 at Pubail Socio Cultural Centre (PSCC Resort), Pubail, Gazipur followed by Cricket competition, raffle draw and an award ceremony in recognition of excellence in performance; Best Individual and Best Team.

Arefur Rahman Shahin

Mr. Arefur Rahman Shahin
Manager (Paralegal)


SK Abdullah & Ashraful Islam

Mr. Sheikh Abdullah
Senior Associate

Mr. Md. Ashraful Islam
Junior Manager

HR Events

Ushering the New Year with our Annual Day at Rahman’s Chambers with our dear colleagues and loved ones. This year the Firm organized a day Long event on the 2nd day of February 2019 at Chuti Resort, Sukundi, Amtoli, Joydebpur followed by Cricket competition, raffle draw and an award ceremony in recognition of excellence in performance; Best Individual and Best Team


Mr. Tanzeer Ahmad
Senior Associate & Head, Commercial Department

Consultancy & Documentation Team


Mr. Khandaker Mashfique Ahmed
Associate & Coordinator

Mr. Abdur Rahman Junaid
Associate (Kakrail Attache')

Mr. Taskeen Ahmed Emon

HR Events

Ushering the New Year with our Annual Day at Rahman's Chambers with our dear colleagues and loved ones. This year the Firm organized a 06 th day of January 2018. long event on a river cruise at the calm and serene Shitalokkha River followed by board games competition, raffle draw and an award ceremony in recognition of excellence in performance; Best Individual and Best Team


Mr. Salah Uddin Reza Sohel
Senior Associate
ADR & Tribunal Team

Communication Team


Mr. Khandaker Mashfique Ahmed
Associate & Coordinator
Mr. Monir Hossain Sheikh
(Junior Manager, Communication & HR)

HR Events

Rahman’s Chambers celebrated its yearly day-out on 7th day of January 2017. The Lawyers and Staff along with their family members had a fun filled day. We watched a movie and had lunch together.

Mr. Amir Hossain Sarker

Mr. Amir Hossain Sarker
Senior Associate,
Legal Services Team

Supreme Court Team

Mr. Tanzeer Ahmad

Mr. Tanzeer Ahmed

Team Supervisor (Senior Associate)

 Mr. Sheikh Abdullah
Team Member (Senior Associate)

Mr. Arefur Rahman Shahin
Junior Manager

Mr. Mamunur Rahman

Mr. Mamunur Rahman

(Manager, Accounts).

Mrs. Mahbuba Sharmin
(Manager, Administration)

Rahman’s Chambers celebrated its yearly day-out on 26/12/2015. The Lawyers and Staff along with their family members had a fun filled day. We watched a movie and had lunch together.

Mobility & Career goal

The Prophet said,

“The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small”.

[Collected by Bukhaari and Muslim]

LearningThe Chambers is committed to develop excellent legal professionals. Upon starting career with us, one can expect a learning culture where teamwork and collaboration are encouraged, excellence is rewarded and diversity is valued and respected. ‘Employee’s development is key’ ─ we take a perfect approach to train by combining a variety of innovative learning approaches with on-the-job training and career milestone development experiences, to empower the employee to build successful and rewarding careers.
Team WorkTeamwork in Chambers consists of working with others to form a consensus and reach the best possible outcome for all parties, whether in court related matters, mediations or arbitrations. Negotiations are based around working with teams which often not only includes working with colleagues in a specific team, but those from other department as well. The ability to work collaboratively and effectively with others is of fundamental importance.
MobilityWe have internal job transfer policy. Changing team, role and location within the Chambers, can be a great way to develop someone’s career. At Rahman’s Chambers, we encourage job mobility.
PromotionGetting promoted by one step up in grade within same rank or one step up in rank is a means of becoming successful. Chambers maintains different indictors, which helps in evaluating an employee’s performance and contribution towards the growth of the firm. Chambers duly acknowledge the same by mean of promotion if suitable without delay.
Organic growthThe Chambers believe in organic growth. As the firms grow, the HR policy is also restructured to disseminate and synchronize the same amongst the employees


“…Office Environment is very much friendly and co operative. It is a great field to acquire legal
knowledge in various field…”

“…Attendance Policy teaches punctuality which helps a lawyer to shine in his profession…”

Hafiz Khan
Barrister at Law
Ex Senior Associate (High Court)

“…this opportunity taught me a lot about the legal profession & i can say with all honesty that i came out as a better individual from my experience as an Associate & & Coordinator of Rahman’s Chambers.”

Shajib Mahmood Alam
Ex Associate & Coordinator

“…I Like the concept of provident fund . which is strictly maintained by this Chambers….”

“…. Office environment is very friendly and the head of chambers is very helpful. hence, one can
learn legal matters very easily…..”

Noushad Parvez
Advocate, Judge Court
Ex Associate (District Court)

Mobility & Career goal

Diversity & Equal OpportunityThe Chamber is an equal opportunity employer. Diversity is ensured at the time of recruitment
Dignity and IntegrityThe Chamber strictly adheres to the rules and regulation within which it operates. Honestly, integrity, discipline and hard work are believed as key to success. Chambers expects its employee to have high moral standard and professional attitude. In order to maintain dignity, high moral and legal standard of the firm and its employees, Chambers never solicit works since very inception rather it believes in organic growth, and rely upon words of mouth, good will and its brand image.
LeadershipIn Rahman’s Chambers the power and responsibility are clearly specified and allocated to employees according to their standing or position in the hierarchy. The basic hierarchy structure is more like a pyramid. Due to pyramid structure, experience, availability of modern technology, software and logistics support, the firm usually takes quick decision and its work force never face leadership crisis.
Discipline andDiscipline and Punctuality is the key in Rahman’s Chambers. The same is ensured in all aspect of its activities ranging from court attendance, client meeting to employee attendance etc.
FriendlyChambers is regarded as friendly. The same is due to its understanding of the social obligation of the employees and framing its policy in such manner that it allows everyone to keep other commitments. Besides, annual HR activities are designed ensuring involvement of family and children.


Good candidates are always encouraged to apply. We keep CVs of good candidates in our file and call them as and when there is a vacancy. To receive any update on any vacancy, please follow the facebook, Linkedin or twitter pages.

Please drop your CV at

Contact Details:
Mobile: (+88)(0)1788626815;
skype: rc_comm_105

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