A full-set of ICCA Yearbook Commercial Arbitration published by Walter Kluwer added to our library

A full-set of ICCA Yearbook Commercial Arbitration published by Walter Kluwer print version is added to our library. Since 1976, the Yearbook Commercial Arbitration has been a major source of information concerning international arbitration jurisprudence. Published under the guidance of the General Editor, Professor Dr. van den Berg, and with the assistance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Yearbook provides an annual update on key developments including: institutional and ad hoc arbitral awards, court decisions on arbitration from around the world, court decisions on major multilateral arbitration conventions, commentary on the court decisions on the New York Convention 1958, updates on developments in arbitration law and practice, an investment treaty awards and decisions digest and a bibliography of the latest texts.
The Yearbook serve as a primary resource for the international arbitration community with reporting on arbitral awards and court decisions applying the leading arbitration conventions, as well as on arbitration legislation and rules.
The Yearbook is edited by the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) the world’s leading organization representing practitioners and academics in the field and published by Wolters Kluwer. It is an essential tool for lawyers, business people and scholars involved in the practice and study of international arbitration.
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