Ms. Narita Navin Khan, Divisional Head, Rahman’s Chambers spoke as a panelist at a webinar organized by BIAC-SIAC
A webinar held on virtual platform on 21 October 2020 on “Challenges of Application of Institutional ADR in Real Estate and Construction Disputes in Bangladesh” was organised jointly by Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) and its partner organisation Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC).
Taking part in the deliberations Barrister Narita Navin Khan, Divisional Head, Corporate & Finance Division, Rahman’s Chambers, Dhaka explained provisions of ADR in Bangladesh laws and maintained that ignorance of law prompt parties to move to a lengthy court procedure at the first instance. She referred to BIAC’s Panel of Arbitrators and requested inclusion of engineers and experts from other development sectors in the Panel for handling of arbitrations at BIAC on a wider range.
Participating in the webinar experts stressed on the advantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a dispute resolution tool in the real estate and construction sectors in Bangladesh. The webinar focussed on how ADR methods can, at this difficult time in the wake of COVId-19 can help resolve commercial disputes in these development sectors in the most pragmatic, expeditious and cost effective manner. Seven outstanding Panelist Discussants took part in the deliberations and viewed the issues of challenges of application of institutional ADR in real estate and construction disputes in Bangladesh with reference to the experiences in Singapore and India.
BIAC is Bangladesh’s first and only registered Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) service provider organisation which facilitates resolution of domestic and international commercial disputes through arbitration and mediation under its own Rules of Arbitration and Mediation. SIAC is an international arbitration organisation based in Singapore, which administers arbitration under its own Rules of Arbitration and the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.
Mr. Mohammed Forrukh Rahman, LLM(London), Barrister, Advocate, Supreme Court, Head of Chambers represented a Japanese client for Rahman’s Chambers in the very first arbitration awarded under BIAC rule.
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